How does the concept of luxury resonate with you in today's world?

The definition of luxury is evolving as Gen Z and the new reactive class perceive it differently than prior generations. The concept of luxury has shifted over the years, from being solely associated with the price, heritage, and craftsmanship in the early 2000s to encompassing knowledge, access, and rarity in the past decade.

Previously, luxury served as a status symbol, but with the advent of social media, knowledge and access have become more accessible to the masses. This shift has led to the democratization of luxury. At SNFM, we believe that we are on the cusp of a new era of luxury that is yet to be fully realized and defined. How does the concept of luxury resonate with you in today's world?

Stay tuned for more exclusive coverage in the upcoming SNFM newsletter. Until then, let your imagination unfurl and your style ignite.

Yours in fashion